Some cell-phone pics taken December 24-25 while celebrating Christmas at my mom's house in Grove City. First, a "Merry" pillar candle on my mom's mantle, along with some greenery (and a familiar face snapping a picture:

A three-plate Santa Claus in the bathroom--apparently can tell if I'm naughty or nice even in there!:
A Santa's-helpers Radio City Rockettes ornament (which we bought for Mom as a souvenir of her seeing the Rockettes Christmas show here a few years ago) being used as a lamp-switch hanger:

A ceramic sleigh in the front bay window:

The dining-room light decked out in (artificial) greenery--it looks awfully pink, but that's the best I could do in color-correction:

A little tree, a stocking, and a poinsettia on the hearth:

Finally, the fireplace all aglow on Christmas morning, just before the Carnage of the Gifting:
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