Here in Central Ohio, we've had a yucky but not especially bad winter so far. There's been measurable snow every day from Dec 27th to Jan 11th, and the highs didn't break freezing from Jan 1st to the 13th. This past week has been cloudy but more seasonally temperate with temps in the 30's (around 40 the last few days). No "official" snow days (no work due to snow) have been called yet, but I had a personal snow day on Thursday, Jan 7th; I took the day off in order to take the Christmas tree down--yes, I leave the tree up until Epiphany in honor of the Magi--and that happened to be the day when we got over 3 inches of snow, which began falling around noon and snarled afternoon and rush hour traffic. Luckily, my only errand for the day, once the tree was down, was to walk to Kroger's to get supper fixings. Here's the front of the Yarman-Ritchie residence about an hour after the snow started falling:

Next, the road in front of our place, with tire tracks, and the view of the other side of the street:

The huge tree that stands in our back yard (that is, the little fenced-in"cubicle" of nature outside of our sliding-glass doors); it was lovely with snow draped on it, but in the picture, it looks more like it's been toilet-papered. It was really snow, I assure you:

Finally, the Moonshadow Mikemobile (my Toyota Corolloa, factory color: Moonshadow) under a light blanket of snow:

10 days later, most of the snow is gone, and it would be nice to think that winter's had its say for the year, but I suspect that's wishful thinking.