"A well-timed ice-cold Coca-Cola is one of life’s greatest taste and sensory experiences: the way it makes your eyes sting and tear up, and the back of your throat gets that chalky moment as good or better even than some of the highest tannins in a big red wine, and then the full sugar and caffeine rush that completely cures what ails you. I’m not saying every day and I’m not saying three a day. I mean one perfectly placed Coke in your week."
But one a week?? Jesus, I'm no Superman (or depending on your religion, "Superman, I'm no Jesus!); there's no way I could limit myself to one a week. I have cut back from my glory days of 3 or 4 a day, to maybe 1 a day (and I sometimes try to leave some of the can to pour down the drain), but 1 a week? I might as well just wear sackcloth and go barefoot. (Let me also recommend a nice 3 or 4 shots of vanilla syrup with the fizzy elixir!)
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